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MAULE Elizabeth Howell Lewis
Birth: 18 Oct 1848 Talmadge, Ohio
Death: 2 Jul 1929 Medina, Ohio
Burial: Medina, Ohio
1981 book:
Elizabeth was a schoolteacher in Granger, Ohio. She wrote a history of the Western
Reserve, which was unpublished, the manuscript having been lost. Elizabeth was a
member of the Religious Society of Friends.
Elizabeth died at the home of her son Garrett in Medina, Ohio.
Source: Letters of Elizabeth Maule Pritchard to Jane Maule; 1850, 1900 Ohio census;
103 The Friend 77 (1929); Quentin Maule (1E713436); Ruth Carsten (1E713711)
taught school in Granger, Ohio
21 Jun 1983 letter from Ruth Carsten
also called "Elizabeth Leedom Maule" per info from Penny and John Maule
1850 in Copley, Summit Co., Ohio
1880 in Hinckley, Medina Co., Ohio as Libbie in household of William Salisbury
boarder, teacher
1900 in Medina, Medina Co., Ohio 4 ch, 4 alive
1910 in Medina, Medina Co., Ohio 4 ch 4 alive
1920 in Cleveland, Ohio widow
boarder is Ernest Geinke (see son's wife's name)
Her photo -- see files -- is marked "Elizabeth Leedon Maule"
Obituary, The Medina Couny Gazette, July 26, 1929, p. 6: Mrs. Elizabeth M. Pritchard,
of 3864 West 31 Street, Cleveland, O., was born in Talmadge Township, Summit Co.,
Ohio, October 18, 1848, and died at the home of her son, Garrett Pritchard, Medina,
July 2, 1929. She was buried at Medina, July 5. She was the widow of the late James
Fitch Pritchard of Medina, and the mother of James, Garrett, Joseph, and Adelaide.
Her father was the late Arariah Lewis Maule, who was born at Newton Square, Pa.,
and her mother was Susannah Howell Maule, who was born at Trenton, N.J. Mrs
Pritchard was the last of 12 children of her mother and father. She has a half-brother,
Newton Maule of Portland, Ore., surviving her. Her grandparents were Jacob Maule
and Margaret Lewis Maule, of Newton Square, Pa., and Levi Howell and Sarah
Reader Howell, of Trenton, N.J. As indicative of the change of the times after parents
were married in Philadelphia, they took an old-fashioned stage coach, and “went
west.” The last her mother ever saw of any of her relatives was waving hands as the
stage coach rolled away. They went by stage to Pittsburgh and then went by boat to
St. Louis, finally coming to live in Ohio. As a little boy I have heard old folks telling
when mother’s mother died, how mother, about nine years old, used to stand on a
chair at a table in order to knead and make bread for the family, and how she kept
house for grandfather and took care of two younger sisters, one of them a cripple.
Last fall, one day mother introducted me to lady by the name of Bramley and
afterwards she said, “If you can ever do a kindness to anyone by the name of Bramley,
do it, for her husband’s grandfather was very good to brother Milton when mother
died.” Mother always tried to and did keep track of her old friends and friends of her
family. She was a birthright member of the Society of Friends, and although she never
lived where there was a “Meeting” and for this reason she always encouraged such
church organizatins as did exit. She was the sixth in line of descent from Thomas
Maule, of Salem, Mass., and founder of the Maule family in this country, who was tried
in the civil courts of Salem, Mass., as a heretic because he alone, of all the citizens
of Salem, dared to denounce Cotton Mather and his witchcraftphobia. Thomas Maule’s
poetry about Mather and his witches was quoted for many years in Salem after it
became safe not to believe in witches. This Thomas Maule was a nephew of the Earl
of Panmure, of Scotland, and through him mother has her genealogy traced in a
straight line to 996 A.D. Mother attended school at Sharon Center, Grangerburg,
Cleveland, and the academy at Medina, and taught school for many years in Granger,
Hinckley, amd Brunswick townships. She was one of the last rural teachers to board
around with the scholars, an early Ohio custom. The last four years she has made an
intensive study of the history of the Western Reserve, and has written an historical
novel dealing with four generations of life on the Western Reserve, which has not
been yet been published. When recently asked concerning her belief in the future life,
she said; “It is not belief with me, I know life is and cannot be destroyed.” - Joseph
MAULE Azariah Lewis (26 Apr 1813 - 29 Aug 1885)
HOWELL Susannah Reader (11 Jul 1818 - 10 Jan 1861)
MAULE Joseph Lewis (21 May 1837 - 8 Dec 1890)
MAULE Louisa Cynthia (27 Dec 1839 - 28 Nov 1899)
MAULE Azariah Howell (7 Sep 1841 - 23 Jan 1846)
MAULE Levi Howell (Levi Azariah) (21 Mar 1843 - 3 Dec 1923)
MAULE Margaret Anna (22 Mar 1845 - 19 Aug 1848)
MAULE Amos Howell (16 Mar 1847 - 31 Oct 1847)
MAULE Elizabeth Howell Lewis (18 Oct 1848 - 2 Jul 1929)
MAULE Susannah (23 Feb 1850 - 10 Dec 1888)
MAULE Milton (13 Jan 1852 - 7 Dec 1902)
MAULE Hannah (13 Jan 1854 - 5 Jul 1854)
MAULE Mary Anna (18 Jun 1855 - 5 Nov 1925)
MAULE Frank Edwin (8 Jan 1859 - 4 Aug 1859)
Marriage To PRITCHARD James Fitch (28 May 1843 - 4 Jun 1914)
m. 27 Mar 1881 Medina, Ohio
PRITCHARD Joseph Garrett ()
FITCH Maria W. ()
Children by PRITCHARD James Fitch 28 May 1843 - 4 Jun 1914
PRITCHARD James Milton (4 Dec 1881 - 6 Jan 1965)
PRITCHARD Garrett Elbridge ("Gary") (Jul 1883 - 30 Apr 1965)
PRITCHARD Joseph Howell Maule (22 Feb 1886 - 25 Dec 1966)
PRITCHARD Elizabeth Adelaide (26 Aug 1888 - 29 Apr 1970)
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