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LANGDON Elam Chester
Birth: 31 Mar 1832 Linwood, Ohio
Death: 17 Jan 1907 Cincinnati, Ohio
Burial: Mt Washington Cemetery, Mt Washington, Hamilton Co., Ohio
had four children
lived in Linwood, Ohio
1850 in Spencer, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
1870 in Spencer, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
1880 in Linwood, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
1900 in Cincinnati, Ohio retired farmer
1910 1920 cannot find
US SAR App of Allen Langdon Baker on ancestry
ELAM C. LANGDON was born in what is now the village of Linwood March 31, 1832,
son of James D. and Sarah P. Langdon. During the early years of the history of Ohio
the schools were maintained by subscription, and the subject of this sketch attended
the district schools in the winter months till he was sixteen years old, when he became
a student for the two succeeding years in Woodward College, Cincinnati, graduating in
the English course in June, 1850. During the ensuing fall he accepted an offer of the
position of clerk and bookkeeper in the store of his
brother in-law, Dr. H. E. Morrill, on Broadway, New York City, and was thus engaged
for about five years, residing in Brooklyn, across the East river. In the spring of 1855
he returned to Linwood and resumed the occupation of a farmer, which he has
followed ever since. In April, 1859, he married Cynthia B. Allen, from western Now
York, and two children were born of this union. This wife died in 1868; the eldest
daughter, Minnie, died in early girlhood; Leonora Snow, the youngest daughter,
married Ernest E. Baker in April, 1891, and now resides in the Red Bank part of the
village. In December, 1869, Mr. Langdon was married to Martha F. Nash, and they
have had two children, one of whom died in infancy; the other. Harriet N., resides at
When quite a boy our subject became a member of the Methodist Protestant Church,
and on removing to Brooklyn, N. Y., he united with the Plymouth Church, of which the
famous Henry Ward Beecher was then pastor. On return to Linwood he became a
member of the Congregational Church in Columbia, one and one-half miles distant, and
was also a teacher or officer in the Sunday-school there and the Union Sunday-school
in Linwood. During the last few years, since the organization of the Baptist Church of
the village, he has, with his wife and daughter, attended this Church and its Sunday-
school, and with them became a worker in advancing the Christianity and morality of
the village. The village was incorporated in 1874, and at its first organization he was
chosen a member of the council, a position to which he has been re-elected eight
terms. He was a member of the school board of the township and village for seventeen
consecutive terms, and has always taken great interest in the affairs of the community
LANGDON James Davenport (13 Jun 1792 - 13 Apr 1887)
PHELPS Sarah (1 May 1797 - 11 Sep 1862)
LANGDON James Harvey (23 Nov 1819 - 27 Jun 1842)
LANGDON Sarah (1 Oct 1821 - 15 Dec 1825)
LANGDON Cynthia (23 Aug 1823 - 9 Jan 1861)
LANGDON Harriet (25 Jul 1825 - 1919)
LANGDON Cyrus Stebbins (5 Jan 1828 - 1 Feb 1864)
LANGDON John Phelps (8 Dec 1829 - 19 Nov 1897)
LANGDON Elam Chester (31 Mar 1832 - 17 Jan 1907)
LANGDON Edwin Mattoon (20 Dec 1834 - 26 Jul 1847)
LANGDON Henry Archer (28 May 1839 - 13 May 1876)
Marriage To ALLEN Cynthia B. (25 Jul 1831 - 18 Dec 1868)
m. 12 Apr 1859 Brooklyn, N.Y.
Children by ALLEN Cynthia B. 25 Jul 1831 - 18 Dec 1868
LANGDON Minnie B. (1860 - )
LANGDON Leonora Snow (3 Aug 1862 - 12 Mar 1906)
Marriage To NASH Martha Frances (5 Mar 1837 - 15 Apr 1912)
m. Dec 1869
NASH Samuel ()
Children by NASH Martha Frances 5 Mar 1837 - 15 Apr 1912
LANGDON Archer A. (18 Jul 1871 - 21 Jan 1872)
LANGDON Harriet Nash (23 Apr 1873 - 6 Apr 1917)
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