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LANGDON John Phelps
Birth:          8 Dec 1829 Spencer Twp., Hamilton Co., Ohio
Death:          19 Nov 1897 Linwood, Hamilton Co., Ohio
Burial:         Mt Washington Cemetery, Mt Washington, Hamilton Co., Ohio

lived in Linwood, Ohio
1850 in Spencer, Hamilton Co., Ohio farming
1860 in Spencer, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
1870 in Spencer, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
1880 in Linwood, Hamilton Co., Ohio farmer
Ferrell Fam Tree on ancestry
Heritage and Legacy on ancestry


JOHN P. LANGDON was born December 8, 1829, on the farm where he and his family 
now live in Spencer township, Hamilton Co., Ohio. He has always been an active busy 
farmer, and lives on the very site where his father began his career and built his early 
western borne about 1820. He enjoyed only such educational advantages as the 
common district schools afforded in the early days of subscription and free schools of 
Ohio, but he has found time to read and keep posited in the progress of events and all 
matters of public importance. Mr. Langdon has been twice married. His first wife was 
Mary Williams, daughter of one of the pioneer families of Ohio, but she died about five 
years thereafter, leaving a son, James W., who with his father cultivates corn on a 
large scale in the Little Miami Bottoms. The second marriage was with Keturah A. 
Nash, also a daughter of one of the oldest settlers of Hamilton county.

Although the business of an active farmer usually occupies almost exclusively a man's 
time and attention, yet Mr. Langdon has from his early manhood been called upon to 
act and interest himself in public matters, both religious and secular. He has been an 
officer of the township and village repeatedly, and when the village of Linwood was 
first incorporated he was chosen mayor, which office he now holds, having been re-
elected thereto for seven terms. His father was a prominent member and a local 
preacher of the Methodist Protestant Church, and very naturally he, as a result of his 
early training and surroundings, became also a member of that Church. Having a good 
voice and fair musical talents, he has always taken great interest in the music of the 
Churches and Sunday-schools. At present he is a teacher of the large Bible class of 
the Sunday-school in the Baptist Church, and is one of the prominent representative 
men of the village, in all public and moral advancement.

LANGDON James Davenport (13 Jun 1792 - 13 Apr 1887)
PHELPS Sarah (1 May 1797 - 11 Sep 1862)

LANGDON James Harvey (23 Nov 1819 - 27 Jun 1842)
LANGDON Sarah (1 Oct 1821 - 15 Dec 1825)
LANGDON Cynthia (23 Aug 1823 - 9 Jan 1861)
LANGDON Harriet (25 Jul 1825 - 1919)
LANGDON Cyrus Stebbins (5 Jan 1828 - 1 Feb 1864)
LANGDON John Phelps (8 Dec 1829 - 19 Nov 1897)
LANGDON Elam Chester (31 Mar 1832 - 17 Jan 1907)
LANGDON Edwin Mattoon (20 Dec 1834 - 26 Jul 1847)
LANGDON Henry Archer (28 May 1839 - 13 May 1876)

Marriage To WILLIAMS Mary (1833 - 22 Sep 1860) m. 24 May 1855 Notes Children by WILLIAMS Mary 1833 - 22 Sep 1860
LANGDON James Williams (29 Mar 1857 - 28 Nov 1932)
Marriage To NASH Keturah Agnes (25 Feb 1834 - 17 Apr 1912) m. Apr 1861 Notes Parents NASH Samuel () MOOREHEAD Mary ()
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