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LANGDON William Carson
Birth: 22 Jun 1874 Ohio
Death: 9 Feb 1955 Hamilton Co., Ohio
Burial: Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio
1880 in Anderson, Hamilton Co., Ohio
1910 in Anderson, Hamilton Co., Ohio doctor
1920 in Cincinnati, Ohio doctor
1930 in Cincinnati, Ohio doctor general practice
1940 in Cincinnati, Ohio doctor
Son of Dr. Henry Archer Langdon and Sydnie Elizabeth Edward Weaver.
[No, she was stepmother, and her second husband was Weaver]
His mother died when he was only two weeks old. His father married his stepmother,
Sydnie Elizabeth Edward, on December 1, 1875. Five months later his father died of a
brain hemorrhage. Willie was then raised by his stepmother.
William went on to join the Marine Corps as a 1st. Lt. with the medical detachment 158
Dep Brig. He was also a civilian physician in Mt. Washington, graduating from Miami
His grandmother was Sarah Phelps Langdon
Garard Tree on ancestry
LANGDON Henry Archer (28 May 1839 - 13 May 1876)
CORBLY Emeline (31 Dec 1842 - 8 Jul 1874)
LANGDON Clara (5 May 1869 - 7 Dec 1874)
LANGDON Anna Dawson (9 Sep 1870 - 21 Oct 1874)
LANGDON Chester Stebbin (5 Sep 1871 - 20 Jul 1872)
LANGDON William Carson (22 Jun 1874 - 9 Feb 1955)
LANGDON Thomas McDonald (22 Jun 1874 - 4 Oct 1874)
Marriage To WILKINS Lillian M. (18 Aug 1874 - 19 Jul 1945)
m. 1895
Children by WILKINS Lillian M. 18 Aug 1874 - 19 Jul 1945
LANGDON Henry Harlan (5 Nov 1896 - 6 May 1937)
LANGDON Sydnie Elizabeth (15 Aug 1901 - 27 Dec 1963)
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