Mary Maule is responsible for much of the genealogy; you can see how many times she is listed as the source of information about a particular cousin. She did all of this long after she had reached her eighties; I met her when she was almost 85, and I was overwhelmed by her knowledge, courage (she had a two pacemaker operations when she was past 80), cheerfulness, and concern. I will never forget how many times she would say, "Do you know [a particular person]." I would reply, "No, I don not." She would respond, "Well, you should," and proceed to introduce me to another cousin.
Mary Maule was by profession and avocation a teacher; this too is apparent from her biography. From what I've heard, she was an excellent teacher. Only recently did I realize that I had been the beneficiary of her of her teaching skills; when she I and I worked on the genealogy, she introduced me to information gradually so that I could absorb it in stages. She sensed when I was confused, and when I could handle huge quantities of information. She encouraged me to do research and to learn the things that I needed to know about history and American culture so that I could acquire some small amount of the background necessary to do as good a job as I could do in compiling the genealogy.
There was no memorial service for Mary; I hope that all of us will from time to time pause and remember her and what she did for our family. Thank you, Mary, for being who you were, and for the gift that you gave us. May you rest in peace
Everyone is asked to bring a picnic lunch, and we will eat at 11:45 a.m., even though yours truly will probably be once again dragged by his mother from nonstop talking to the table. (Just kidding, mom). But everyone should set up for lunch when they arrive. Please, if you can, bring folding tables and chairs; there are few at the Meeting. If you live nearby and can bring a few extra chairs, that would be of great help to those arriving from a distance who cannot do so. Kitchen (including range and refrigerator) and restroom facilities are available, but food is not permitted upstairs. NO alcoholic beverages, at the request of the Meeting. There is shelter if it rains (a basement in which we will fit until there are 80 or 90 of us, in which case we will eat in turns or perhaps place a table in the kitchen and one on the outer porch).
For the after-lunch program, we welcome anyone to make a presentation in which they would like to share family stories, legends, or information. If we are fortunate, we may be joined by the several of our cousins who have been to Scotland recently who may be willing to tell us of their visit.
DIRECTIONS: From Route 30 westbound: turn left onto Route 41, pass through the town of Gap, pass the medical center and then the Dutch Way shopping center. Look for Simmontown Road on your left, and turn left onto it (there is a black-and-white sign for Sadsbury Meeting). If you pass Ken's Sporting Goods store you have gone too far on Rte 41. Go 1-1/4 miles on Simmontown Road and the meetinghouse is on your right next to a cemetery.
From Route 30 eastbound: turn right onto Route 41, and follow preceding directions. (Route 41 meets Route 30 16 miles east of Lancaster and 12 miles west of the Route 82 exit for Coatesville).
From the south: pick up Route 41 and after passing through the town of Atglen, pass a nursery and Ken's Sporting Goods store on your left. Look quickly for Simmontown Road (there is a sign), and follow preceding directions.
Seek and you shall find: Life has such strange twists. In the October newsletter I had recounted my search for members of the CLENDENON branch of the family and how I had just located several Clendenon cousins. Several weeks later my uncle who lives in Ocean City, N.J., called me and told me that a Mrs. Helen Scheirey of Ocean City had contacted him, looking for information on her Maule ancestry and cousins. He put me in touch with her, and several weeks ago I visited with her. She had several Clendenon bibles and information on the Clendenon branch. When I walked into her home I saw a Maule coat-of-arms on the foyer wall! Mrs. Scheirey is a very nice person, and is now helping by putting me in touch with others in her branch of the family.
Packages from abroad: In the October newsletter I described the letter I had received from the Association Culturelle pour l'Information des Maulois. Shortly thereafter, we exchanged books. Imagine the delight of seeing a book called "HISTOIRE DE MAULE ET DE SES ENVIRONS", written in 1866 by Emile Reaux, and reproduced recently. It is written in French, and I am slowly but surely reading every word. Hopefully I will be able to obtain permission to translate it into English. There's a project that someone might like to do or to fund.
And another letter from Maule: Madame Francoise Baxas of the A.C.I.M. in Maule, France, forwarded my name to a friend who is a professional entymologist, someone who studies the meanings of words. This person has studied the origins of place-names in France. She sent me an analysis of the name "Maule". Although I am having trouble reading the technical language (which is in French, of course), this much seems clear:
In the meantime, the picture collection must be updated. See the next article in the newsletter.
I have written computer programs to index the names, although I haven't yet perfected the inclusion of page numbers (because those won't be known until the indexing symbols are removed from the print version of the material). I have also written a program to make certain that the indexing symbols are properly matched. If you want a more detailed explanation, I'd be willing to discuss "computers and genealogists" at the Reunion. What I haven't yet done is to alter my commercially prepared word processing program to permit inclusion of more than 120 pages of information in one "file" (which forces me to jump from file to file and that is time consuming).
Oh, yes, while my right hand is doing the computer work, my left hand, armed (no pun intended) with recent clues, will do more census research and go to libraries to seek certain additional information.
What should be done is a listing of all of us, with a check mark next to those whose pictures appear in the book or have since been sent since 1981. Then, each person without a check mark needs to be contacted for a picture. Frankly, I don't have time to do this. If anyone would like to pursue this task, please let me know. Otherwise, we will simply use whatever pictures each of you chooses to provide.
"The photo album, covered in worn green velvet and held together with ornate brass hinges, lay in a jumble of lace and candlesticks on an old table. It was, like everything else in the hall, a piece of used goods, the refuse of previous owners. Or, if you prefer, an antique."I opened the album the way someone in the market for a new home might read the real-estate listings. Was this property something that would suit my family? I thought no more of the former owners than I might have thought of the family who planted the tree in the backyard or added the dormers to the roof of a house for sale.
"But it turned out that this place was still inhabited. There were people living in this picture book, their story frozen, like their images, in time.
"The story began with a pair of wedding portraits, husband and wife in profiles carefully marked 1898. The photos that followed showed one christening after another and then another followed by the images of these children growing up.
"There were pictures of school and graduations, portraits of one rowing team, and another lacrosse team. Two sons were shown grinning in their full military uniforms and then at home again, and finally married with their own children.
"Standing in the middle of this antique show, I felt like a voyeur. It was as if I had happened upon a diary while touring a house and, just out of curiosity, read it.
"I put the album back on the table. To have placed my family in that book, I would have had to evict theirs. I wasn't ready to dislodge them from existence.
"I couldn't help wondering how this family--kept and groomed so carefully for posterity--had ended up in the hands of strangers? Had the family come to an end, like Abraham Lincoln's, with the death of his great-grandchild last month? Had the album's line of inheritance been disrupted by geographic or emotional distance? Or had someone simply discarded history on the way to a smaller place or a new life?
"My predicament as both collector and curator is not unusual. Once it was just royalty who had their histories recorded, just the rich who had their images reproduced. Now it is the rare American without some record of his or her family life.
"The camera has made the past democratic. Everyone can keep it. The tape recorder, the movie camera, the video are all tools of a middle-class memorabilia. We have the conceit that those who share our genes will want to share our lives.
"Yet handling that green velvet album, I realized how easily one generation's memories may become the next generation's clutter. Instead of cherishing mementos, families may be flooded with them. Eventually, our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, won't be able to hold all the images of all their ancestors anymore than they could store all their furniture.
"The antiques for sale in this hall were heirlooms without heirs or old things that didn't fit into new lives.
"Pictures are far more personal but far less valuable than necklaces or chairs. One person's priceless snapshot may be worthless to another. The family story in the green velvet album was created by someone trying to pluck one family from time and from the multitude. It was created by someone writing a personal history out of snapshots. But 50 years later, there was nobody left who cared. How sad to see such a family estate fall into the hands of strangers."
Well, here goes:
This time I want to share the missing branch list. I should point out that by missing branch I mean a situation in which I have not been able to completely trace or fill in information on the descendants of a Maule cousin down to at least 1950. I should also point out that I have made contact with cousins in some of these branches but that all I know is that they belong to the branch. THERE ARE CURRENTLY OUTSTANDING MORE THAN 200 LETTERS REQUESTING INFORMATION THAT I HAVE SENT SINE 1983. I am anxious for replies, because in many instances YOU ARE MY ONLY LINK to your branch of the family. Don't feel that if you can't fill in every detail that I don't want to hear from you. SEND WHAT YOU CAN...ANYTHING...and we can pursue it step-by-step from there. Sorry if I seem desperate...I am.
ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES, PLEASE HELP. In each instance I am looking for information on the listed person and their descendants.
ANDERSSON, | Ruth Harper | b. July 24, 1938 | (1E934211x) |
" , | Alfred McRae | b. Aug. 9, 1941 | (1E934211x) |
ARNEST, | Randolph | b. c. 1940 | (1E7134721) |
" , | Deborah | b. c. 1940 | (1E7134722) |
BARBER, | Ray & Minnie nee Maule (ch: Joe, Don, Randel, Anita, Sandra) | (1E556134) | |
BELLER, | Mary Eliza nee Evans | b. Jan. 7, 1846 | (1E5543) |
BENFIELD, | Cora nee Stratton | b. c. 1850 | (1EE312) |
BERNTSON, | Dorris P. nee Arnest | b. ? | (1E713H31) |
BLESCH, | Priscilla | b. 1928 | (1E7243311) |
" , | John | b. c. 1930 | (1E7243312) |
BOWDEN, | Jean nee Harper | b. ? | (1E934331) |
BOWSER, | Phyllis nee Harper | b. c. 1900-10 | (1E93441) |
BOYS, | Robert A. | b. c. 1880 | (1E71322) |
" , | Milton | b. c. 1880 | (1E71323) |
BROOKS, | Diane nee Boys | b. c. 1880 | (1E71321) |
BRUCE, | Garry Ann nee Maule | b. c. 1830 | (1E552) |
BUCKLEY, | William Patrick & Elizabeth Brock nee Broocks (& ch William, Percival, James, Blanche, Lawrence) | born between 1887 & 1897) | (1E61422) |
CAREY, | Eleanor nee Price | b. c. 1930 | (1E5251322) |
CLARKE, | Elizabeth | b. Nov. 1879 | (1E51361) |
CLARKE, | John Joshua | b. Mar. 12, 1832 | (1E5131) |
" , | Henry | b. July 14, 1834 | (1E5132) |
" , | William Edward | b. Sept. 3, 1836 | (1E5133) |
" , | Rebecca | b. Nov. 25, 1838 | (1E5134) |
" , | Mary | b. Aug. 14, 1842 | (1E5135) |
CLEVELAND, | Wilhelmina nee Quarrl | b. c. 1876 | (1911122) |
COWDEN, | Kate nee Evans | b. May 1898 | (1E55448) |
CREW, | Emma nee Stratton | b. c. 1840 | (1EE311) |
DAVIS, | Dorothy nee Harmon | b. ? | (1E71E411) |
DE PORRAS, | Mary nee Thomas | b. c. 1820 | (1E735) |
DOAN, | Theodore | b. c. 1880 | (1911171) |
" , | Roland | b. c. 1880 | (1911172) |
" , | Thomas | b. 1880 | (1911173) |
DOUGHERTY, | Helen nee Maule | b. ? | (1E713942) |
DUBE, | Rita nee Maule | b. ? | (1E713922) |
DUTCHER, | Frank P. | b. c. 1940 | (1E6142141) |
" , | Lawrence | b. c. 1910 | (1E6142111) |
EDWARDS, | Ann Virginia | b. c. 1848 | (1E7641) |
" , | Indie | b. c. 1850 | (1E7691) |
" , | Charles Richard | b. c. 1850 | (1E7692) |
EVANS, | Amos Graves | b. c. 1900 | (1E55449) |
" , | Joseph McLean | b. Oct. 1881 | (1E55442) |
" , | Kate Abi | b. July 18, 1843 | (1E5542) |
" , | Lee S. | b. July 1884 | (1E55443) |
" , | Marion L. | b. June 1891 | (1E55446) |
" , | Paul M. | b. June 1894 | (1E55447) |
" , | Robert | b. Jan. 1879 | (1E55413) |
" , | Ruben Musgrove | b. Feb. 25, 1890 | (1E55445) |
" , | Thomas | b. 1876/7 | (1E55412) |
" , | William Franklin | b. Oct. 1879 | (1E55441) |
FARRELL, | Elizabeth nee West | b. ? | (1E713952) |
FRICK, | Richard | b. c. 1910 | (1EE12611) |
GROCE, | Hannah Emily | b. c. 1860 | (1E8521) |
HAINES, | M. Elizabeth | b. Nov. 23, 1927 | (1E9321311) |
" , | Ellen Hayes | b. July 8, 1929 | (1E9321312) |
" , | Charles H. | b. c. 1930 | (1E9321313) |
HALDERMAN, | Edna nee Wherry | b. c. 1920 | (19111331) |
HAPSON, | Ila nee Maule (& ch James, Brenda, Claudia) | (1EE43564) | |
HARMAN, | Madell nee Robinson | b. ? | (1E556163) |
HARPER, | Anna M. | b. Feb. 1, 1870 | (1E9345) |
" , | Robert | b. c. 1930 | (1E934341) |
" , | Gloria | b. c. 1930 | (1E934342) |
HIRST, | Lewis I. | b. Nov. 10, 1890 | (1E98221) |
HOGUET, | Ruth nee Howard | b. 1877/8 | (1E55512) |
HOLSKE, | Katherine nee Maule | b. ? | (1EE43131) |
HOWELL, | Harriet S. | b. June 14, 1880 | (1E9831) |
" , | Samuel C. | b. Nov. 30, 1882 | (1E9832) |
HUDNALL, | Alice nee Andersson | b. Oct. 25, 1915 | (1E934212) |
HUSTON, | Patty | b. c. 1930 | (1E5151141) |
JACKS, | Eugenius Alexander | b. Oct. 23, 1875 | (1E61432) |
" , | Kenneth Stott | b. June 2, 1878 | (1E61433) |
" , | Lawrence McKay | b. Mar. 11, 1870 | (1E61431) |
JOHNSON, | Judith nee Ferrazzi | b. ? | (1EE13721) |
JONES, | Barbara nee Maule (& ch Cynthia, Mike, Susan & Christine) | (1EE43565) | |
" , | Mary Kathleen nee Maule | b. c. 1930 | (1E944321) |
JORDAN, | Leland & Betty (& ch: Charles, Evelyn, Stanley, Ruth & John) | (1E98251) | |
" , | Jean nee Coates | b. ? | (1E614561) |
KELSEY, | Edward | b. 1853 | (1E5552) |
" , | Charles | b. 1862 | (1E5554) |
KEMP, | Diana nee Wilson | b. ? | (1E614551) |
LANKA, | Alan | b. Jan. 1, 1939 | (1E5436331) |
" , | Carolyn | b. Mar. 31, 1941 | (1E5436332) |
" , | Stanley | b. July 3, 1944 | (1E5436333) |
LAWRENCE, | Catherine nee Barr | b. 1874/5 | (1E92411) |
LEEMING, | Esther nee Howard | b. 1875/6 | (1E55511) |
LEWIS, | Benjamin T. | b. 1852/3 | (1E5822) |
" , | Virgil G. | b. 1875 | (1E58211) |
" , | Arthur O. | b. c. 1880 | (1E58212) |
LICHTENBERG, | Terry | b. c. 1930 | (1E944322) |
" , | Jeremy | b. c. 1930 | (1E944323) |
MCNAMEE, | Margaret nee Maule | b. June 6, 1862 | (1E8534) |
MACKEY, | Virginia | b. c. 1940 | (191111113) |
" , | Jill | b. c. 1940 | (191111114) |
MAGLIARO, | Kathleen nee Maule | b. Jan. 14, 1949 | (1E5436631) |
MATLACK, | Catherine nee Evans | b. May 1, 1825 | (1E925) |
MAULE, | Agnes | b. 1851/2 | (1EE421) |
" , | Sarah | b. 1852/3 | (1EE422) |
" , | Caleb | b. ? | (1E553) |
" , | Edward | b. 1865/6 | (1E5564) |
" , | Frank King & ch: Harold (b Oct 1896), Charles & Joseph | (1E71E2) | |
" , | Hannah S. | b. May 5, 1853 | (1E8531) |
" , | Harriet Bartlett | b. June 30, 1866 | (1EE453) |
" , | James | b. 1833 | (1E558) |
" , | James (b. 1793 & ch: Eliza, Georgianna, James, Isabella & Richard | (1EE2) | |
" , | James | b. Nov. 1861 | (1E5563) |
" , | James | b. Dec. 11, 1829 | (1E765) |
" , | James Bradley | b. | (1EE435621) |
" , | James M. | b. c. 1930 | (1E713921) |
" , | John Wesley | b. Feb. 16, 1871 | (1EE135) |
" , | John William | b. ? | (1EE15421) |
" , | Robert Burnside | b. ? | (1EE15422) |
" , | Joshua Baldwin | b. c 1835 | (1E855) |
" , | Lemuel | b. May 12, 1835 | (1E768) |
" , | Pearl | b. 1876/7 | (1E9462) |
" , | Robert Jenkins | b. ? | (1E71E81) |
" , | Ruth L. Nora | b. ? | (1E96322) |
" , | Ryan Jackson | b. Nov. 7, 1950 | (1E71E43) |
" , | Sarah | b.c. 1750 (192) | |
" , | Sarah | b. 1816/7 | (1E716) |
" , | Trebor C. | b. ? | (1E713H22) |
" , | Walker | b. 1831 | (1E557) |
" , | William Wilbur | b. Aug. 1875 | (1E71311) |
MOORE, | Virginia nee Perkins | b. ? | (1E934321) |
NEAVE, | Ralph | b. Dec. 4, 1881 | (1E93171) |
" , | Mildred Mayhew | b. Sept. 13, 1891 | (1E93172) |
" , | Marjorie Robertson | b. Dec. 30, 1892 | (1E93173) |
NOBLE, | Ruth nee Albert | b. ? | (1EE4571) |
O'CONNELL, | Beatrice nee Porter | b. ? | (1E6142124) |
PAULSEN, | Betty Jean nee Arnest | b. ? | (1E713H32) |
PHILLIPS, | Charles Henry & ch: Dora, Lisbet, Charles & Helen (b 1887-1893) | (1E9332) | |
PICKERING, | Mildred nee Maule | b. ? | (1E713941) |
PORTER, | Ethel Ridgway nee Dutcher & ch: Jack, Carl, Edward & Beatrice (b. c. 1910) | (1E614212) | |
PRICE, | David Glenower | b. July 23, 1946 | (1E5251312) |
" , | William Richards | b. May 15, 1923 | (1E5251311) |
PRITCHARD, | Garrett E. | b. July 1883 | (1E71372) |
QUARRL, | Lydia nee Maule (b. 1749) had other children | (191) | |
REPP, | Evelyn | b. c. 1925 | (1EE12112) |
" , | Robert | b. 1923 | (1EE12111) |
RHOADS, | Morton | b. c. 1930 | (1E76W131) |
" , | Rex Richard | b. Mar. 22, 1945 | (1E76W123) |
RICHARDS, | Archer William | b. Oct. 17, 1885 | (1E525111) |
" , | Charles Nelson | b. Oct. 6, 1887 | (1E525112) |
" , | Haydon | b. c. 1930 | (1E5251531) |
" , | Donald | b. c. 1930 | (1E5251532) |
ROBINSON, | Raymond & ch: Richard, Karen, Connie, Bo | (1E556161) | |
RUTLEDGE, | Emma nee Neave & ch: Frank, Lucy, William, Alexander, Ralph & Anna (b. 1884-1895) | (1E9318) | |
SANBORN, | Mary Anna nee Maule | b. June 2, 1855 | (1E713E) |
SNYDER, | Ada Nee Maule & ch: Grace, Mabel, Hazel & Myrtle (b. 1880-1899) | (1EE133) | |
STEWART, | Ernest Draper | b. July 28, 1909 | (1E556116) |
" , | Rubin Roy | b. Aug. 21, 1901 | (1E556113) |
" , | Sylvia | b. ? | (1E5561141) |
" , | Ronnie | b. ? | (1E5561142) |
STRAIN, | William | b. c. 1900 | (1E94411) |
TAYLOR, | Mary | b. c. 1930 | (1E5222631) |
TAYLOR, | Orelia nee Maule & ch: Emmerson, Wayne & Ernestine | (1E713F) | |
THOMAS, | Edward | b. c. 1830 | (1E7311) |
" , | Margaret | b. ? | (1E724313) |
" , | Robert | b. Oct. 5, 1916 | (1E724312) |
" , | Samuel | b. c. 1920 | (1E724311) |
TUCKER, | Garry Ann nee Maule | b. ? | (1E552) |
TYSON, | George M. | b. Oct. 9, 1814 | (1E743) |
UPDEGROFF, | Florence nee Maule | b. Dec. 1880 | (1EE4312) |
WALKER, | Richard Glenn | b. July 10, 1945 | (1E87461) |
WARNER, | Sarah M. nee Thomas | b. Mar. 14, 1820 | (1E736) |
WATSON, | Lexie nee Stewart & ch: Dollie & Jack (b.c. 1920) | (1E556111) | |
WEST, | William | b. c. 1920 | (1E71395) |
WEYGANDT, | Ann Matlack | b. ? | (1E525512) |
" , | Cornelius N. | b. ? | (1E525511) |
WHERRY, | C. Norwood | b. ? | (19111332) |
WILSON, | Brian Rucker | b. c. 1920 | (1E614552) |
YOUNGE, | Patricia nee Maule | b. ? | (1E713932) |
This next list is a list of cousins about whom I've found a clue or with respect to whom I've found someone who knows or knew them:
BAILY, | Anna nee Crew | b. Feb. 14, 1859 | (1E6233) |
CONNOR, | Margaret Maule | b. Jan. 1891 | (1E54341) |
CREW, | Florence | b. c. 1850 | (1E6222) |
DRAPER, | Nancy Ann nee Maule | b. July 21, 1954 | (1E757832) |
FITZGERALD, | Mary nee Teasdale | b. 1878 | (1E53632) |
GILBERT, | Lillie nee Teasdale | b. 1875 | (1E53631) |
HAYES, | John M. | b. 1904 | (1E528432) |
" , | William C. | b. c. 1904 | (1E528431) |
LEWIS, | Elizabeth | b. c. 1850 | (1E5823) |
" , | Louella | b. c. 1850 | (1E5824) |
MAULE, | Alice Leora | b. June 1897 | (1E54367) |
" , | Daisy | b. June 7, 1907 | (1E9474) |
" , | Thomas T. | b. July 19, 1909 | (1E9475) |
" , | Martha P. | b. May 25, 1912 | (1E9476) |
" , | Edith May | b. Apr. 17, 1915 | (1E9477) |
" , | Ruby Paulina | b. Sept. 28, 1917 | (1E9478) |
" , | Peter J. | b. Dec. 1879 | (1E85331) |
" , | John E. | b. Apr. 1882 | (1E85332) |
" , | Henry G. | b. May 1884 | (1E85333) |
" , | Samuel A. | b. Apr. 1886 | (1E85334) |
" , | Emma M. | b. May 1888 | (1E85335) |
" , | Keith | b. 1954 | (1E5561521) |
" , | Cindy | b. 1957 | (1E5561522) |
" , | Margaret | b. 1866/7 | (1E5565) |
" , | Sarah Emily | b. 1849 | (1E7611) |
" , | Thomas | b. Oct. 29, 1939 | (1E5436411) |
" , | Robert | b. Oct. 5, 1940 | (1E5436412) |
MILLER, | E. Spencer | b. ? | (1E5281111) |
NEAVE, | May P. | b. Aug. 1, 1883 | (1E93121) |
" , | Taylor R. | b. Sept. 1, 1887 | (1E93122) |
ROBERTSON, | Lydia nee Maule | b. 1867/8 | (1E5566) |
SPENCER, | Mary nee Crew | b. Nov. 21, 1856 | (1E6232) |
THOMAS, | John Wise | b. ? | (1E732) |
Your help is appreciated.
Note: the preceding lists do not include missing branches descended from the daughters of Thomas Maule of Salem, Mass., nor do they include the branches in the other families that emigrated from England and Scotland. Yes, there is still much to do, but if each person fills in his or her branch the completion of the genealogy will be much easier than if only several of us do all of the information gathering.
**===---> Don't forget the Reunion map on the next page. Hope to see you there.
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