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RODIA Pasquale Gennaro Gaetano
Birth:          7 Oct 1752 Serino, Italy
Christening:    7 Oct 1752 Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
Death:          20 Nov 1794 Serino, Italy
Burial:         Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603895
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603895
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
San Michele di Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1546818
San Michele di Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1546818
Marriage Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy, examined 25 June 
names of parents not given in records from 1763 to 1765 and 1770 to 1775
connection to parents is an educated guess based on daughter and mother both being 
Margherita, and son and father both being Ciriaco
Death Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy, examined 25 June 
2019 (son Giuseppe)
San Michele di Serino, Italy, 1819 Marriage Register, (marr rec of son 
Serino, Italy, 1812 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Margherita)
Serino, Italy, 1814 Death Register, (death rec of wife Grazia)
Serino, Italy, 1817 Death Register, (death rec of son Ciriaco)
Serino, Italy, 1817 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Margheria)
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of son 
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of son 
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of son 
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of dtr 
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of son 
Marriage Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy 
names of parents not given in records from 1763 to 1765 and 1770 to 1775
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy 
margin note death, no date
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of son 
Death Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy 
Death Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (death rec of son 

RODIA Ciriaco (EST 1727 - )
DI MAIO Margherita (EST 1727 - 23 Dec 1787)

RODIA Petronilla Carmina (Carmela Petronilla) (Carmina) (19 Jun 1750 - )
RODIA Pasquale Gennaro Gaetano (7 Oct 1752 - 20 Nov 1794)
RODIA Maria Lucia (8 Sep 1755 - )
RODIA Caterina (22 Aug 1759 - )

Marriage To D'ASCOLI Grazia (1752 - 21 Mar 1814) m. 21 Aug 1775 Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy Notes Parents D'ASCOLI Romualdo (Raimondo) (1718 - ) RODIA Margherita (1728 - 6 Aug 1803) Children by D'ASCOLI Grazia 1752 - 21 Mar 1814
RODIA Ciriaco Giuseppe Sabato (22 Mar 1777 - 20 May 1817) RODIA Giuseppe Sabato (15 Apr 1781 - 6 Aug 1797) RODIA Sabato Antonio (18 Apr 1785 - 1786) RODIA Sabato Antonio (27 Nov 1786 - ) RODIA Margherita Angela (29 Sep 1791 - 30 Sep 1817) RODIA Pasquale Carmine (22 Apr 1795 - )
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