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RODIA Domenico
Birth: EST 1640
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy, examined 25 June
2019 (dtr Antonia)
Marriage Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy, examined 25 June
He is from Guardavalle, Province Catanzaro (in the toe portion of Italy's "boot"), this
from Ottaviano Di Biase's professor friend, who also points out that Rodia, Rodio,
Rodhia is a name of Greek origin
unsure how someone from Guardavalle met someone from Serino (Ottaviano thinks it
was a need for workers after the plague hit Serino)
email 18 Nov 2020 from Ottaviano De Biase (marriage contracted 13 Oct 1667)
This evening I found a history of Amato, Italy. It is in Province Catanzaro. Recall that
Guardavalle is in Province Catanzaro. Guardavalle is the town from which Domenico
Rodia came. He is the ancestors of the Rodia families of Serino.
The URL:
A relevant chapter (translated by Google Chrome):
In about 1100 it was dominated by the cousin of Costanza d'Altavilla and later, from
1444 to 1450, it was owned by King Alfonso of Aragon. In 1455, it passed to
Francesco Rodia through the investiture of the king. Then in 1464, his brother Paolo
succeeded Francesco Rodia. When he died, he was succeeded by his sister Moisella
who married Roberto Susanna, patrician of the city of Crotone, who received the
fiefdom of Amato as a dowry. In 1598, the direct descendant Fabrizio took power, but
he died shortly thereafter and for lack of male descendants, his sister Lucrezia
succeeded him. The latter married Ascanio Rocca of Catanzaro, with a dowry of
barony. When he died, he was succeeded by his son Francesco, who died in 1615. In
1627, the Prince of Maida, Marcantonio Loffredo, bought the fiefdom of the hamlet for
51,500 ducats. In the same year, Amato was sold to Orazio Mottola, patrician of
Monteleone for the sum of 30,000 ducats. He donated it in 1662 to his eldest son
Donato Antonio Mottola and constituted a "Maiorascato" (succession in favor of the
firstborn males and their descendants). In the following years, Donato Antonio gained
great merit at the Court of Spain and the title of Marquis of Amato, which was granted
to him in recognition of the services rendered to the Crown in 1675. In 1686, he was
succeeded by his eldest son Orazio, who in 1696 he donated the bell "Amor" to the
church of Amato and two other bells dedicated respectively to St. Joseph and the
Immaculate Virgin. He died in 1721 and was succeeded by his daughter Teresa Felice,
who married his cousin Marco Antonio Mottola and put his son Francesco Antonio with
him by decree of the Royal Court of the Vicariate to enact the "Maiorascato" he is
declared the universal heir of the fiefdom of Amato. He was succeeded by his son
Orazio Mottola who obtained from his father, the Marquisate of Amato and the
Baronies of Joppolo and Coccorino in 1732.
It is my guess that Francesco or Paul Rodia is an ancestor of Domenico Rodia.
I have also found a reference to a Bernardino Rodia/Rhodia in the same area two
centuries earlier
Also this:
RHODIA: famiglia ugualmente nobile in Squillaci e Catanzaro. L'anno 1343 Giovanni
Rhodio da Squillace era nella corte della reina Giovanna I con carico di suo tesoriero:
cosi lo scrive Camillo Tutino. Aggionge Vincenzo Amato ch'ella fosse tale che non
abbia invidia alle migliori di Calabria.
Francesco di questa famiglia ottenne dal re Alfonso I il feudo dell'Amato, piu di coltura
che di vassallaggio e nientemeno lo riempi di gente, che ne divenne popolosa
abitazione; onde poi Paulo suo figliuolo, non avendone dato il rivelo, Re Ferrante per
li meriti di quello non volle saperne altro.
RHODIA: equally noble family in Squillaci and Catanzaro. The year 1343 Giovanni
Rhodio from Squillace was in the court of the reina Giovanna I with load of its
treasurer: thus Camillo Tutino writes. He adds Vincenzo Amato that she was such that
he did not envy the best of Calabria.
Francesco of this family obtained from the king Alfonso I the fiefdom of the Beloved,
more of culture than of vassalage and no less filled it with people, who became a
populous dwelling; so that his son Paulo, not having revealed it, King Ferrante did not
want to know any more about them than he deserved.
In, it states,
From the 1st half of the 1400, the history of Amato begins to be better documented. At
that time the territory of Amato was given to the feudatory Francesco Rodio of
Catanzaro by Alfonso I, King of Naples. Then it was transferred to Prince Marcantonio
of Loffredo. In 1635 it was given to Donato A. Mottola by the King of Spain.
per, Rocco Rodio b c 1535 d after 1615, Italian
renaissance composer and theorist, best known for his sacred works and keybord
ricercares. Born in Bari, worked at Polish court, possibly settled in Naples. Member of
Carlo Gesualdo's academy at Naples.
Annali Delle Due Sicilie Dall'Origine E Fondazione Della Monarchia ..., Volume 2
By Matteo Camera
p 368 n 4
nel quaterno delle uscite ed entrate de'regli tesorieri, trovasi dato incarico dal Re
Roberto al notaro Andrea de Rodia di Squillace, perche soprantendesse ai
susccennnati lavori
in the quaterno of the exits and receipts of the treasurers, he was given assignment by
the King Roberto to the notary Andrea de Rodia of Squillace, so that he would be
advised of the aforementioned works
There is a reference in Archivo Storico per le Province Napoletane (page 583), that
Andrea de Rodia received 8 ounces of gold and 21 t. Not sure what 21 t means
It is an entry 25 Oct 1335
Archivio storico per le province napoletane
Ivi 22 — Ordina consegnarsi al suddetto Giacomo de Bur-
son tutta la stoppa fatta venire nella città di Napoli per le
navi allora destinate per la spedizione di Àcaia, quale stoppa
ora serve per le navi della guerra di Sicilia (1). In questo
stesso giorno fa salvacondotto alla nobile Rodia vedova di
Galgano della Marra , già impiccato , ed a' suoi figliuoli , i
quali per la condanna del marito e del padre rispettivo la-
titavano pel Regno. E nello stesso tempo restituisce loro i
beni confiscati al defunto Galgano. Simile salvacondotto fa
al milite Giovanni della Marra figliuolo di Angelo, già im-
piccato, il quale per la condanna del padre era fuggito dal
regno ; però deve restare lontano da Barletta per due anni,
e deve prestare cauzione di 4 mila once di oro de fidelitate
servanda (2). Lo stesso Principe di Salerno volendo usare
clemenza verso Ruggiero della Marra condannato nel capo
per le sue colpe, e tenuto in ceppi nel castello del Salva-
tore a mare di Napoli detto dell' Uovo , gli fa grazia della
vita e delle membra del suo corpo fino al ritorno in regno
di re Carlo suo padre, promettendogli di metter lo in libertà
se fra lo spazio di cinque anni il detto re Carlo non ritor-
nerà in regno. Però il detto Ruggiero della Marra deve dare
due suoi figliuoli legittimi in ostaggio ed una cauzione di
6 mila once di oro, e dovrà essere rilegato in una terra del
regno, dove piacérà ad esso Principe, e con l'obbligo di
presentarsi almeno una volta al giorno in detta terra alla
persona all' uopo destinata; e che esso Ruggiero non abbia
cosa alcuna a dire, fare o trattare contro re Carlo e la sua
real famiglia e suo regno di Sicilia. Intanto restituirà tutti
i suoi beni che possedeva in Barletta, in Ravello ed in Gio-
venazzo alla moglie ed a' figliuoli, dopo che avranno pagato
ad esso principe 4 mila once di oro (3).
Ivi 22 - Order delivery to the aforementioned Giacomo de Bur-
are all the tow made to come to the city of Naples for the
ships then destined for the shipping of Accaia, such as tow
now it serves for the ships of the Sicilian war (1). In this
same day he is safe-conduct to the noble Rodia widow of
Galgano della Marra, already hanged, and to his sons, i
which for the condemnation of the husband and the respective father the
titavano for the Kingdom. And at the same time he returns them i
assets confiscated from the deceased Galgano. Similar safe-conduct does
to the soldier Giovanni della Marra, Angelo's son, already
piqued, who for the condemnation of his father had fled from
kingdom; however he must stay away from Barletta for two years,
and must pay a deposit of 4 thousand ounces of gold de fidelitate
servanda (2). The same Prince of Salerno wanting to use
clemency towards Ruggiero della Marra condemned in the head
for his faults, and kept in logs in the castle of the Save-
to the sea of ??Naples, called of the Egg, grants him the grace of
life and limbs of his body until he returns to the kingdom
of King Charles his father, promising to release him
if in the space of five years the said king Carlo does not return
will be in the realm. But the said Ruggiero della Marra must give
two of his legitimate children hostage and a bail of
6 thousand ounces of gold, and will have to be bound in a land of the
kingdom, where Prince will like it, and with the obligation to
appear at least once a day in the said land at
intended person; and that Ruggiero does not have
nothing to say, do or treat against King Charles and his
real family and his kingdom of Sicily. Meanwhile, he will return all
his possessions he owned in Barletta, Ravello and Gio-
Venazzo to his wife and children, after they have paid
to it prince 4 thousand ounces of gold (3).
p 217
37. - 1445 agosto 19, Napoli, nel Castelnuovo.
Una simile lettera di nomina a capitano di Santa Severina per l’anno della
XII indizione (1448-1449) è spedita ad Antonio de Rodia di Policastro.
Ivi, f. 47r.
37. - 1445 August 19, Naples, in Castelnuovo.
A similar letter of appointment as captain of Santa Severina for the year of
XII indizione (1448-1449) is sent to Antonio de Rodia of Policastro.
Ivi, f. 47r.
p 431
99. - 1447 agosto 3, Tivoli.
Alfonso I conferma e ratifica l’accordo intercorso tra Enrico Marco de
Cumis, procuratore del nobiluomo e familiare regio Nicola Sanseverino, e il
nobiluomo Giovannello de Rodia, procuratore e mundoaldo della nipote Giacomella de
Rodia, con istrumento dato a Catanzaro il 20 giugno del 1446, in
base al quale, in previsone del matrimonio tra Nicola e Giacomella, Cecca,
moglie di Giovannello, rinunciava a favore della nipote ai suoi diritti sul casale
o feudo di Marcellinara, sito nel territorio di Tiriolo, costituendolo quale dote,
e investe Nicola, una volta consumato il matrimonio, del medesimo feudo.
Ivi, ff. 98r-99v.
99. - 1447 August 3, Tivoli.
Alfonso I confirms and ratifies the agreement between Enrico Marco de
Cumis, prosecutor of the noble and family royal Nicola Sanseverino, and the
nobleman Giovannello de Rodia, procurator and mundoaldo of his niece Giacomella de
Rodia, with instrument given to Catanzaro on 20 June 1446, in
on the basis of which, in anticipation of the marriage between Nicola and Giacomella,
Giovannello's wife, he renounced his rights in the farmhouse in favor of his niece
or fief of Marcellinara, located in the territory of Tiriolo, constituting it as a dowry,
and invests Nicola, once the marriage is consummated, with the same fief.
Ivi, ff. 98r-99V.
page 293 n 310
310 Sancia donava al monastero 3.000 once di gigliati d’argento, pari a
180.000 gigliati, già depositati dai tesorieri della regina, Giovanni de
Rodia di Squillace e Lorenzo di Cava, presso la sacrestia dei frati Minori
del monastero di S. Chiara e ivi custoditi in una cassa di legno a disposizione
dell’abate Francesco de Arcellis, procuratore ed economo del
monastero, e destinati all’acquisto di beni immobili per la costituzione
del patrimonio del monastero stesso. Sempre per l’acquisto di altri
terreni e di case destinati questa volta al monastero della Maddalena, la
Sovrana aveva anche stanziato altre 5.000 once verosimilmente
anch’esse di gigliati d’argento, custoditi sempre nel monastero di S.
Chiara. Infine, ai monasteri di S. Maria Egiziaca e di S. Chiara venivano
attribuite le due altre parti del bosco della Selva Mala e numerosi altri
beni immobili.
310 Sancia donated 3,000 ounces of silver lilies to the monastery, equal to
180,000 lilies, already deposited by the queen's treasurers, Giovanni de
Rodia di Squillace and Lorenzo di Cava, in the sacristy of the Friars Minor
of the monastery of S. Chiara and kept there in a wooden box at the disposal of the
abbot Francesco de Arcellis, procurator and treasurer of the
monastery, and intended for the purchase of real estate for the constitution
of the heritage of the monastery itself. Always for the purchase of others
land and houses destined this time to the monastery of La Maddalena, la
Sovereign had also allocated another 5,000 ounces probably
also of silver lilies, always kept in the monastery of S.
Chiara. Finally, the monasteries of S. Maria Egiziaca and S. Chiara came
attributed the two other parts of the forest of the Selva Mala and many others
real estate.
A tal'uopo Rainaldo conchiuse con la famiglia del ricco cittadino barese Daiferio di
Giovanni de Rodia una convenzione assai vantaggiosa, nella quale cedendo alcune
case intorno alla piccola chiesa di San Nicola de la porto ne acquistava altre prsso
To that end, Rainaldo concluded a very advantageous agreement with the family of
the rich citizen of Bari, Daiferio di Giovanni de Rodia, in which he ceded some houses
around the small church of San Nicola de la Porto and bought other houses for the
Memorie historiche dell'illustrissima, famosissima, e fedelisima città di ...
By Vincenzo D' Amato
Bernardino Rhodia degli Antichi Baroni dell'Amato, e nato d'una famiglia, che non ha
inuidia alle migliori della calabria
Bernardino Rhodia of the Ancient Barons of the Beloved, born of a family, which has
no incentive to the best of Calabria
Della Calabria illustrata, Volume 3
L'anno 1317 Riccardo de Poeriis in un istrumento in forma probante vien scritto col
titolo di dominus e di miles. L'anno 1401 gl'ufficiali di Taverna, cioe Roberto
Cappasanta da Napoli, gustiziero, e suoi compagni, danno il possesso a Giovannello
Rhodia da Reggio, abitante in Catanzaro del feudo de Poeriis, che poi, nel 1420, si
restituisce a Nicolo Poerio, milite della reina Giovann II.
The year 1317 Riccardo de Poeriis in an instrument in proof is written with the title of
dominus and miles. In 1401 the officers of Taverna, namely Roberto Cappasanta from
Naples, executioner, and his companions, gave possession to Giovannello Rhodia da
Reggio, an inhabitant of Catanzaro of the feud of Poeriis, who then returned to Nicolo
Poerio in 1420 , soldier of Reina Giovann II.
Marriage To CIRINO Joanna (Giovanna) (EST 1645 - )
m. 30 Oct 1667 Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
CIRINO Tomasso (EST 1620 - )
ROCCO Antonia (EST 1620 - )
Children by CIRINO Joanna (Giovanna) EST 1645 -
RODIA Paolo Antonio (18 Feb 1669 - 1743)
RODIA Filippo (1670 - )
RODIA Caterina (1670 - 1673)
RODIA Antonia Joanna (Giovanna) (31 Jan 1671 - )
RODIA Antonia Maddalena (1672 - )
RODIA Sabato Antonio (1673 - 1747)
RODIA Francesco Antonio (Carmine) (1 Aug 1674 - 30 Jun 1745)
RODIA Caterina (2 Mar 1677 - 2 Mar 1749)
RODIA Stella Angela (27 Dec 1678 - )
RODIA Angela (Lilla) (1683 - 29 Apr 1745)
RODIA Nicola Pietro (1 Mar 1685 - )
RODIA Maria (1688 - 1768)
RODIA Giuseppe (1688 - )
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