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BRESCIA Fiore Fioravannti
Birth:          2 Jan 1903 Philadelphia, Pa.
Death:          Apr 1987 Philadelphia, Pa.
Burial:         Holy Cross Cemetery, Yeadon, Pa.

MasiFamTree2019 on ancestry
Joseph Christina Extended Fam Tree on ancestry

BRESCIA Raffaele (3 Sep 1871 - 1918)
AGNES Lucia (Luisa) (11 Feb 1866 - 1945)

BRESCIA Raffaele (24 May 1889 - 6 Oct 1918)
BRESCIA Maria (11 Oct 1892 - Nov 1984)
BRESCIA Giuseppe (Joseph) (23 Sep 1895 - 16 Feb 1990)
BRESCIA Lorenzo (Lawrence) (26 Jun 1899 - 9 Aug 1971)
BRESCIA Fiore Fioravannti (2 Jan 1903 - Apr 1987)
BRESCIA Reziere (22 Apr 1905 - 6 Dec 1961)
BRESCIA William (30 Aug 1906 - 1 Mar 1986)
BRESCIA Barney Gerovio (21 May 1908 - 27 Jan 1997)

Marriage To KUCHARSKI Frances Lutek (22 Mar 1907 - 1 Oct 1980) m. 10 Jul 1946 Wilmington, Del. Notes
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