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DI FEO Gaetano
Birth:          12 Feb 1841 Serino, Italy
Death:          6 Sep 1894 Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660372 (record 106, research by Melanie 
D. Holtz, CG) (rec of granddtr Rosa)
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1660372 (research and translation by 
Melanie D. Holtz, CG) occ landowner
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (research and translation by 
Melanie D. Holtz, CG) occ landowner
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (marr rec of dtr Nicoletta)
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (marr rec of son Francesco) dec'd
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660372 (birth rec of dtr Maria)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603895 (birth rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603895 (birth rec of dtr Angela)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Consiglio) age 33 
(b 1843)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Errico)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of dtr Maria Fortunata)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603859
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603968 (death rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of dtr Maria)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (death rec of dtr Maria Felicia)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (death rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459 (death rec of son Errico)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459 (death rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459 
Serino, Italy, 1901 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Maria Fortunata)
Serino, Italy, 1902 Marriage Register, Part II, (marr rec of son Consiglio)
Serino, Italy, 1907 Marriage Register,, Part II (marr rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1910 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Maria Teresa)
Serino, Italy, 1904 Death Register, (death rec of son Consiglio)
Serino, Italy, 1905 Death Register,, Part II (death rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1907 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Nicoletta)
Serino, Italy, 1923 Death Register, (death rec of wife Rosa)
Serino, Italy, 1927 Death Register, (death rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, 1929 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Maria Teresa)
Serino, Italy, 1937 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Angela)
Serino, Italy, 1841 Birth Register, 
Serino, Italy, 1860 Marriage Register, 
Serino, Italy, 1863 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1864 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Angela)
Serino, Italy, 1863 Death Register, (death rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1868 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Maria Felicia)
Serino, Italy, 1870 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1872 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, 1874 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, 1886 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Angela)
Serino, Italy, 1887 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Nicoletta)
Serino, Italy, 1876 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Consiglio)
Serino, Italy, 1879 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Errico)
Serino, Italy, 1897 Marriage Register, (marr rec of son Francesco)
Serino, Italy, 1882 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Maria Fortunata)
Serino, Italy, 1885 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, 1886 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Maria Teresa)

DI FEO Angelo (1798 - 31 Jul 1854)
DI PIANO Nicoletta (1800 - )

DI FEO Anna (27 Dec 1821 - 21 Feb 1822)
DI FEO Anna (17 Mar 1823 - 8 Sep 1872)
DI FEO Palma (5 Apr 1825 - 26 Nov 1904)
DI FEO Vincenza (6 Jan 1828 - 15 Jan 1828)
DI FEO Vincenza (3 Oct 1829 - )
DI FEO Francesco Pellegrino (11 Mar 1833 - 3 Oct 1852)
DI FEO Teresa (14 Feb 1836 - 14 Oct 1890)
DI FEO Gaetana (25 Oct 1838 - 8 Dec 1903)
DI FEO Gaetano (12 Feb 1841 - 6 Sep 1894)
DI FEO Nicola (10 Nov 1843 - 11 Nov 1886)

Marriage To DI FEO Rosa (23 Dec 1844 - 28 Feb 1923) m. 4 Oct 1860 Serino, Italy Notes Parents DI FEO Pietro Antonio (22 Dec 1818 - 19 Mar 1899) VERDERAME Angela (20 Jul 1822 - 10 Mar 1891) Children by DI FEO Rosa 23 Dec 1844 - 28 Feb 1923
DI FEO Angelo (6 Feb 1863 - 21 Feb 1863) DI FEO Angela (28 Jun 1864 - 14 Dec 1937) DI FEO Nicoletta (1866 - 30 Mar 1907) DI FEO Maria Felicia (16 Jan 1868 - 28 Apr 1870) DI FEO Angelo (19 Jan 1870 - 3 Sep 1905) DI FEO Francesco (20 Nov 1872 - 7 Dec 1872) DI FEO Francesco (14 Jul 1874 - 4 Oct 1927) DI FEO Consiglio Giovanni (28 Aug 1876 - 4 Feb 1904) DI FEO Errico (21 Jun 1879 - 15 Feb 1883) DI FEO Maria Fortunata Antonia (29 Jan 1882 - 21 Feb 1965) DI FEO Giovanni (10 Feb 1885 - 14 Feb 1885) DI FEO Maria Teresa (27 Jun 1886 - 31 Jan 1929)
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