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CAPUANO Giovanna
Birth:          31 Jul 1870 Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 
Serino, Italy, 1870 Birth Register, 

CAPANO / CAPUANO Gaetano (7 Sep 1833 - 30 Mar 1917)
ROCCO Fortunata (11 Mar 1841 - 22 Aug 1897)

CAPANO Giuseppe (29 Dec 1863 - 29 Jan 1865)
CAPANO Angela Maria (8 Mar 1867 - 31 Jan 1869)
CAPUANO Giovanna (29 Oct 1868 - 14 Feb 1870)
CAPUANO Giovanna (31 Jul 1870 - )
CAPANO / CAPUANO Luigi (9 Mar 1872 - )
CAPANO Generoso (14 Mar 1874 - )
CAPANO Giovanna (22 Sep 1876 - )
CAPANO Generoso (3 Nov 1879 - 12 Dec 1879)

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