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CIRINO Domenico Sabato
Birth: 23 Jul 1797 Serino, Italy
Christening: 23 Jul 1797 Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
Death: 21 Sep 1863 Serino, Italy
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (rec of grandson Luigi)
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603895
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603859
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603859
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603859
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603859
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603968
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660459
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896 (research and translation by
Melanie D. Holtz, CG) occ blacksmith
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603968
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of grdtr Giuseppa)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371 (birth rec of grson Angelo)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (death rec of dtr Maria
Emmanuela as Emmanuela)
Serino, Italy, 1925 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Mariangela)
Serino, Italy, 1818 Marriage Register,
Serino, Italy, 1842 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Maria Emmanuela)
Serino, Italy, 1843 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Antonia)
Serino, Italy, 1849 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Luisa)
Serino, Italy, 1818 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Peregrino)
Serino, Italy, 1819 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Maria Emmanuela)
Serino, Italy, 1818 Death Register, (death rec of son Peregrino)
Serino, Italy, 1822 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Pellegrino)
Serino, Italy, 1825 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, 1827 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Antonia)
Serino, Italy, 1825 Death Register, (death rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, 1852 Marriage Register, (marr rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, 1830 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Luisa)
Serino, Italy, 1834 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Giovanni)
Serino, Italy, 1836 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Vincenzo)
Serino, Italy, 1839 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Mariangela)
Serino, Italy, 1837 Death Register, (death rec of son Vincenzo)
Serino, Italy, 1854 Birth Register, (birth rec of grson Domenico)
Serino, Italy, 1857 Birth Register, (birth rec of grson Angelo)
Serino, Italy, 1862 Birth Register, (birth rec of grson Vincenzo)
Serino, Italy, 1864 Birth Register, (birth rec of grdtr Angela)
Serino, Italy, 1863 Death Register,
Serino, Italy, 1864 Death Register, (death rec of wife Angela)
Serino, Italy, 1867 Birth Register, (birth rec of grdtr Giuseppa)
Serino, Italy, 1869 Birth Register, (birth rec of grson Luigi)
Serino, Italy, 1869 Birth Register, (birth rec of grson Angelo)
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
CIRINO Nicola (15 Dec 1765 - 10 Jan 1848)
ROCCO Grazia (29 Oct 1769 - 15 Aug 1837)
CIRINO Maria Geronima (3 Mar 1792 - 6 Sep 1798)
CIRINO Lucia Barbara (4 Dec 1793 - 17 Dec 1861)
CIRINO Domenico Sabato (23 Jul 1797 - 21 Sep 1863)
CIRINO Carmela (10 Mar 1800 - 18 Jun 1873)
CIRINO Girolama (10 Mar 1800 - 31 Mar 1800)
CIRINO Maria Angela (15 Mar 1802 - 9 Sep 1804)
CIRINO Maria Angela (4 Feb 1805 - )
CIRINO Michele Carmine (30 Apr 1806 - 21 Mar 1812)
CIRINO Maria Angela (Mariangela) [Petronilla] (26 Apr 1810 - 17 Apr 1870)
Marriage To RODIA Angela (14 Mar 1798 - 19 Jan 1864)
m. 30 Jan 1818 Serino, Italy
RODIA Giuseppe Gaetano Carmine (21 Jan 1756 - 9 Jan 1842)
DI CARO Maria Giuseppa (1761 - 24 Dec 1831)
Children by RODIA Angela 14 Mar 1798 - 19 Jan 1864
CIRINO Peregrino (15 Sep 1818 - 18 Sep 1818)
CIRINO Maria Emmanuela (Emmanuela) (19 Oct 1819 - 24 Sep 1870)
CIRINO Pellegrino (30 Aug 1822 - 3 Oct 1898)
CIRINO Giovanni (3 Jan 1825 - 19 Jan 1825)
CIRINO Antonia (26 Feb 1827 - 31 Aug 1885)
CIRINO Luisa (23 Sep 1830 - 10 Jan 1896)
CIRINO Giovanni (24 Jan 1834 - 14 Sep 1875)
CIRINO Vincenzo (29 Nov 1836 - 19 Apr 1837)
CIRINO Mariangela (4 Oct 1839 - 13 Feb 1925)
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