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CIRINO Giovanni
Birth:          22 Aug 1810 Serino, Italy
Death:          3 Sep 1811 Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, 1811 Death Register, 

CIRINO Angelo (1770 - BEF 31 Mar 1821)
IANNELLI Nicoletta (1773 - 13 Mar 1831)

CIRINO Domenico Antonio (1795 - 14 Aug 1834)
CIRINO Giuseppe Antonio (Giuseppantonio) (1797 - 11 Oct 1869)
CIRINO Eustachio Antonio (1801 - 22 Jul 1840)
CIRINO Raffaele (1806 - 23 Sep 1813)
CIRINO Agata (1807 - 8 Jul 1870)
CIRINO Giovanni (22 Aug 1810 - 3 Sep 1811)
CIRINO Giovanni Antonio (1 Oct 1812 - 21 Sep 1813)
CIRINO Raffaele (12 Feb 1816 - 23 Oct 1817)

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