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CIRINO Vincenzo Pasquale
Birth:          17 Aug 1810 Serino, Italy
Death:          16 Feb 1846 Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603968
apparently unm
Serino, Italy, 1810 Birth Register, 
Serino, Italy, 1846 Death Register,
apparently unm

CIRINO Luigi (1786 - 20 Dec 1856)
CIRINO Fortunata (1788 - 19 Feb 1848)

CIRINO Vincenzo Pasquale (17 Aug 1810 - 16 Feb 1846)
CIRINO Maria Giuseppa (19 Dec 1812 - 24 Oct 1813)
CIRINO Maria Giuseppa (17 Sep 1814 - )
CIRINO Pasquale (5 Jun 1817 - 6 Jun 1817)
CIRINO Raffaela Eugenia (Eugenia Raffaela) (28 Jun 1818 - 28 Dec 1864)
CIRINO Teresa (8 Nov 1820 - 3 Oct 1866)
CIRINO Rachele Angela (5 Jun 1823 - 21 Oct 1825)
CIRINO Rachele Angela (19 Nov 1825 - 23 Nov 1825)
CIRINO Angela Rachele (10 Jan 1827 - 17 Jan 1827)
CIRINO Salvatore Alessandro (22 Apr 1829 - 3 Dec 1906)
CIRINO Alessandro (7 Jan 1834 - )

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