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CRISCI Carmine Michele
Birth:          14 May 1875 Serino, Italy

Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1660371
margin not 11 May 1899, cannot figure out what it says but does not appear to be a 
reference to a marriage or death
Serino, Italy, 1875 Birth Register, 
margin note appears to refer to his father Generoso being known as Raffaele but the 
handwriting is worse than horrible, according to an act of the Tribunal of Avellino on 
25 May 1875

CRISCI Generoso Raffaele (Raffaele) (13 May 1841 - 9 Dec 1893)
TEDESCO Mariangela (21 Feb 1846 - 10 Feb 1885)

CRISCI Angela Domenica (4 Dec 1865 - 7 Nov 1932)
CRISCI Orazio (9 May 1867 - )
CRISCI Giovanni Domenico (1 Mar 1869 - 29 Sep 1902)
CRISCI Immacolata Incoronata (15 Apr 1871 - 7 Sep 1881)
CRISCI Alfonso Carmine (14 Jul 1873 - 11 Jan 1933)
CRISCI Carmine Michele (14 May 1875 - )
CRISCI Maria Filomena (9 Nov 1877 - )
CRISCI Anna Grazia (27 Jun 1879 - )
CRISCI Carmela Consolata (20 Jan 1881 - )
CRISCI Immacolata (3 Sep 1882 - 24 Mar 1884)
CRISCI Angelo Raffaele (12 Jul 1884 - 26 Jul 1884)

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