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DI MAIO Agata Maria
Birth: 7 Dec 1783 Serino, Italy
Christening: 7 Dec 1783 Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
Death: 19 Apr 1869 Serino, Italy
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897
Serino, Italy, Marr Banns Register, FHL microfilm 1603896 (research and translation by
Melanie D. Holtz, CG)
Serino, Italy, Marr Register, FHL microfilm 1603897 (marr rec of dtr Maria)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858 (birth rec of dtr Bonaventura)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858 (birth rec of dtr Maria)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858 (birth rec of son Michele) age 30
(b 1785)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858 (birth rec of son Gaetano) age 32
(b 1787)
Serino, Italy, Birth Register, FHL microfilm 1603858 (birth rec of dtr Grazia) age 38 (b
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898 (death rec of husband Gennaro),
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603898 (death rec of son Gaetano)
Serino, Italy, Death Register for 1867, FHL microfilm 1660373, faint ink, margins torn
(death rec of son Michele)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1603968 (death rec of dtr Maddalena)
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373
Serino, Italy, Death Register, FHL microfilm 1660373 (death rec of son Bonaventura)
Serino, Italy, 1835 Marriage Register, (marr rec of dtr Maria Maddalena)
Serino, Italy, 1850 Marriage Register, (marr rec of son Michele)
Serino, Italy, 1809 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Bonaventura)
Serino, Italy, 1812 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Maria Maddalena)
Serino, Italy, 1815 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Michele)
Serino, Italy, 1819 Birth Register, (birth rec of son Gaetano)
Serino, Italy, 1824 Birth Register, (birth rec of dtr Grazia)
Serino, Italy, 1830 Death Register, (death rec of husband Gennaro)
Serino, Italy, 1831 Death Register, (death rec of son Gaetano)
Serino, Italy, 1846 Death Register, (death rec of dtr Maria Maddalena as
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy
Baptism Register of Chiesa di San Antonio di Padova, Serino, Italy (baptism of dtr
DI MAIO Antonio (1756 - 7 Jan 1836)
PALUMBO Grazia (1757 - 30 Sep 1820)
DI MAIO Antonia Giovanna (6 Sep 1778 - )
DI MAIO Nicoletta Giovanna (24 Dec 1780 - 15 Dec 1845)
DI MAIO Agata Maria (7 Dec 1783 - 19 Apr 1869)
DI MAIO Anna Antonia (8 Oct 1786 - 27 Sep 1822)
DI MAIO Giovanni Antonio (23 Mar 1789 - 22 Sep 1798)
DI MAIO / MAIO Domenico Gaetano (6 Nov 1791 - 12 Feb 1842)
DI MAIO Brigida (8 Jan 1795 - )
DI MAIO Brigida (26 Dec 1796 - 7 Oct 1833)
DI MAIO Caterina Rosalia (25 May 1800 - 11 Feb 1870)
DI MAIO Clementina Domenica (28 Aug 1803 - )
Marriage To CIRINO Gennaro Sabato (Sabato Gennaro) (22 Jul 1762 - 11 Jan 1830)
CIRINO Michele (ABT 1732 - 29 Jan 1802)
RAVALLESE Petronilla (1736 - 4 Mar 1811)
Children by CIRINO Gennaro Sabato (Sabato Gennaro) 22 Jul 1762 - 11 Jan 1830
CIRINO Bonaventura Domenica (Ventura) (28 May 1809 - 11 Aug 1870)
CIRINO Maria Maddalena (Maddalena) (26 Jan 1812 - 25 Jul 1846)
CIRINO Michele (14 Jun 1815 - 17 Jul 1867)
CIRINO Gaetano (28 Oct 1819 - 18 Sep 1831)
CIRINO Grazia (27 Jan 1824 - )
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