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Birth:          30 Jul 1844 Philadelphia, Pa.
Christening:    9 Aug 1844 St. John the Evangelist Church, Philadelphia, Pa.
Death:          23 Oct 1922 Camden, N.J.
Burial:         26 Oct 1922 Old Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.

1850 in Phila, North Mulberry Ward (indexed as Rickey), 6 (1843)
1860 in Phila Ward 20 (indexed as Kickey)
1870 in Phila Ward 20 or 17 (2 enumerations), 21 (1848), blacksmith
1880 1701 Wylie St., Phila., unm, 32 (1847), carriage blacksmith
6 Oct 2009 email from PAHRC bap by Rev M. W. Gibson, sponsors Michael Flanagan, 
Margaret Conroy
fam search has US National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Entry:
Peter Hickey, b Phila, nearest relative Jas Hickey of 1814 Stiles St Philadelphia 
(that's the address where I find his cousins) Why isn't Maurice the nearest relative? 
Maybe because Maurice died in 1901. ht 5-5, sandy complexion, hazel eyes, gray hair, 
can r/w, Catholic, blacksmith, lived in Phila after discharge, MARRIED, enlisted 7 Aug 
1863 NYC, rank: Lands, US Navy, discharged 8 Aug 1864, Boston, exp of term, 
contracted rhematism 1863 Wilmington NC, enlisted Aug 1864 Phila, rank: coal 
passer, US Navy, discharged 7 Jun 1865, Portsmouth, expiration of term, pension $27, 
admitted 24 July 1896, discharged 13 Jan 1914, readmitted 21 Jun 1917, 
in another entry everything is the same except admitted 3 Jul 1896, dischg 13 Jun 
1914, disch at request, readmit 22 Jun 1917 disch 8 Nov 1918, tfd to C. Bch. readm 8 
Nov 1918, disch 8 May 1919, disch at request
so now found him not in 1900 but 1910 in Chesapeake, Elizabeth City Co., Va., in 
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
1920 in Phila, widower, at the US Naval Home on Grays Ferry Ave.
so who is his wife?
could she be one of the women at the 1814 Stiles St address?
Also on famsearch, US Veterans Pension Pymt Cards, Elizabeth Hickey, widow of 
Peter, he was a coal heaver for the US navy, she died Sept 21, 1924, her pension 
began Nov 20, 1922
another card for him, shows a series of reissues of the pension, says he died Oct 23, 
1922, Camden, NJ, also a reference to Camden County Farm, Grenlock, NJ
document from Old Cathedral Cemetery 6 Jul 2015 buried in OCC K/8/16 with the 
other Hickey family members
served on USS New Hampshire, USS Harvest Moon, USS Columbia
on general idx to pension files, he is shown as serving at Ft Jackson, NC (also on 
another entry), and the three ships listed above
He is in 1890 census of Civil War veterans, in Phila.,was a seaman, enl 7 Aug 1863, 
dich 18 Jun 1865, lives 1337 Ridge Ave (same neighborhood as the other Hickeys), 
next entry, same addr is Thomas H Hickey, private, co L, 198 Penna vol, enl 15 Sep 
1864 disch 3 Jun 1865; third person at that addr is Philip McClory, Thomas has 
gunshot wound right hand

In 1900 there is a Peter A Hickey, age 56, b Jan 1844, coachman, in Gloucester City, 
Camden Co., NJ. Unmarried, parents b Ireland.  He is with the family of Duncan 
Blacke, b Mar 1844 Pa, wife Sarah b Jan 1844, md 35 yrs. They appear to be 
employees, not relatives. There also is a Peter Hickey in Phila but he's born in Ireland 
(as is wife Ellen and children Patrick, James, Michael and Nora).

Answer comes from this:
per Pa and NJ Church and Town Records on ancestry, in Old Cathedral, plot K/8/16 
there is a Francis Joseph Hickey bur Aug 25 1875 age 6 mos. Same plot as other 
Hickeys in the family. This is not the unnamed child of Maurice. Here is the answer:
Per Phila Death cert, Francis Joseph Hickey d 23 Aug 1875, bur 25 Aug 1875, age 
6mos 4 days, died of marasmus, son of Peter and Elizabeth Hickey, 1248 North 18th 
St (same address as for Margaret Frances Hickey on her death cert), undertaker is 
Maurice Hayes. [1248 N 18th st is right around the corner from 1814 Stiles AND 337 
W Girard Ave]
Challenge: There are two couples Peter and Elizabeth Hickey who have children in 
the death certs. Francis Joseph was born Feb 1875. There is an Edward who died 20 
Feb 1875, age 10 mos., son of Peter and Elizabeth of 26th and Hart Lane (that is 
familiar), bur 22 Feb 1875 in New Cathedral Cemetery. Prob not the same family. Only 
way for this to fit: Edward b Apr 1874, so she gets pregnant in May 1874 in order to 
have Francis Joseph in Feb 1875 (unless he is premature). If this is the case, would 
Edward be name of Elizabeth's father? 
There is a Mary Hickey d 19 Jan 1887 of measles, age 19 mos, dtr of Peter Hickey 
(dead) and Elizabeth, 1929 Buttonwood St, bur 21 Jan 1887, NCC. So this can't be 
"our" Peter and he is alive until the 1900s
The Peter Hickey married to an Elizabeth Cooney isn't a match because they and their 
older children are born in Ireland, and a younger child born in Illinois.

Marriage, see note under Elizabeth, witness Mary  E. Hickey

HICKEY Michael (1801 - 15 Jun 1874)
GIBBONS Mary Ann (1811 - 20 Oct 1875)

HICKEY Margaret Frances (28 May 1833 - 23 Oct 1875)
HICKEY ----- (EST 1834 - BEF 1850)
HICKEY Maurice Henry (13 Jul 1835 - 10 Feb 1901)
HICKEY Mary Emma (1 Oct 1837 - )
HICKEY Catherine (1840 - )
HICKEY Thomas Francis (3 Jan 1842 - 9 Jul 1905)
HICKEY Peter (30 Jul 1844 - 23 Oct 1922)
HICKEY Michael Henry (10 Nov 1846 - )
HICKEY Ellen Ceceilia (18 Apr 1849 - 2 Apr 1919)
HICKEY John Henry (14 Mar 1852 - 21 Oct 1852)

Marriage To BAILEY Elizabeth ( - 21 Sep 1924) m. 18 Nov 1874 Assumption B.V.M. Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Notes Children by BAILEY Elizabeth - 21 Sep 1924
HICKEY Francis Joseph (19 Feb 1875 - 23 Aug 1875)
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