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Birth:          1812 
Death:          24 May 1874 Philadelphia, Pa.
Cause of Death: natural causes
Burial:         26 May 1874 Old Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.

see notes in entries for Michael and Peter Hickey
Pa and NJ Church and Town Rec on ancestry in grave K/8/16, age 62
Phila., Pa., Death Cert on ancestry
lists his occ as gentleman
from 26 May 1874 Phila Inquirer: "The Coroner held an Inquest at the Morgue 
yesterday on the body of John Gibbons, aged 62 years, who was found dead in bed on 
Sunday morning at the Bull's Head Hotel, on North Front street. He had gone to his 
room on Saturday afternoon, requesting that he should be called in an hour. When he 
was called he expressed his desire that they should leave him rest awhile longer. At 
two o'clock in the morning, it was discovered he was dead. Verdict, natural causes."

GIBBONS ----- ()
----- Mary (1785 - )

GIBBONS Margaret (1808 - 9 Jul 1874)
GIBBONS Mary Ann (1811 - 20 Oct 1875)
GIBBONS John (1812 - 24 May 1874)

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