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Birth: 1 Oct 1819 Salisbury, Lichfield, Conn.
Death: 9 Dec 1874 Alexandria, Va.
awt Roger Chatell
lawyer at Hartford, Cheshire, Middletown, county court judge Conn, editor, after 1869
Richmond Va (Va State Journal), atty gen Va, aft 1869 (appt by General Canby).
Republican candidate for Congress 1869.
Lawyer at Alexandria, Va. Mr. Whittlesey graduated at Williams College 1840,
commenced his law studies at Lakeville, then went to Litchfield, and in 1843 was
admitted to the bar of Connecticut; settled in Middletown; served as state attorney
and county judge. Hon. Charles gave up the practice of law on account of ill health
and engaged in mercantile business in New York city. In 1857 he returned to Hartford
and to his law practice until the close of the Civil War, with the exception of time of
his service. He enlisted Aug. 21, 1862; mustered in organization Sept. 20, 1862;
mustered out July 7, 1863, captain of Co. I, 22d Regiment Infantry, Conn. Volunteers;
served nine months. In Alexandria, Va., he edited the State Journal, an influential
political paper.
WHITTLESEY Eliphalet ()
STRONG Martha ()
WHITTLESEY Charles (1 Oct 1819 - 9 Dec 1874)
Marriage To NOYES Helen Maria (3 Aug 1831 - )
m. 30 May 1850 New Haven, Conn.
NOYES Ebenezer R. (26 May 1800 - 1848)
HUNT Fanny (8 Aug 1799 - )
Children by NOYES Helen Maria 3 Aug 1831 -
WHITTLESEY Mary Noyes (25 Sep 1856 - 27 Apr 1860)
WHITTLESEY Martha Strong (13 Mar 1859 - 30 Dec 1859)
WHITTLESEY Walter Rose (5 Jan 1861 - )
WHITTLESEY ----- (1 Nov 1864 - 1 Nov 1864)
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