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NOYES Joseph
Birth: 4 Jul 1736 Newbury, Essex Co., Mass.
Death: 5 Jan 1826 Newburyport, Essex Co., Mass.
Served in the Navy during the Revolutionary War from Newbury in the company of
William Rogers and the Regiment of Samuel Gerrish. He was a charter member of the
"Newburyport Marine Society." He followed the sea many years as captain of a
Noyes, Joseph, Newbury.Private, Capt. William Rogers's co. of Minute-men, Col.
Samuel Gerrish's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 8 days;
also, Corporal, Capt. William Rogers's (8th) co., Col. Gerrish's regt.; muster roll
dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted April 27, 1775; service, 3 mos. 12 days; also,
Capt. Rogers's co., Lieut. Col. Loammi Baldwin's (late Col. Gerrish's) 38th regt.; pay
abstract for Aug., 1775, dated Chelsea; also, [p.553] company return [probably
Oct., 1775]; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated
Chelsea, Dec. 28, 1775; also, return of men enlisted by Lieut, Samuel Carr to
serve in Col. Baldwin's regt. the ensuing campaign, dated Chelsea; also, list of
recruits for the new establishment in Col. Baldwin's regt., approved by Brig. Gen. W.
Heath in Camp at Cambridge, Dee. 30, 1775; Capt. Rogers's co.; also,
Sergeant, Capt. Ezra Badlam's co., Col. Loammi Baldwin's (26th) regt.; abstract for
advance pay for Jan., 1776, etc.; also, same co. and regt.; pay abstracts for
Feb.-June, 1776, dated New York; also, list of men raised to serve in the
Continental Army, as returned by Moses Noyes, Chairman of Selectmen and Committee
of Newbury; residence, Newbury; engaged for town of Newbury; joined Capt. Carr's
co., Col. Wesson's regt.; term, 3 years; also, Lieutenant, Col. James Wesson's
(9th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Oct. 1,
1779; also, 2d Lieutenant, Capt. Samuel Carr's co., Col. Wesson's regt.; return
dated Jan. 25, 1778; also, same regt.; return of officers for clothing, dated
Boston, Sept. 25, 1778; also, same regt.; return of officers, dated West Point,
Sept. 12, 1779.
NOYES Jacob ()
NOYES Joseph (4 Jul 1736 - 5 Jan 1826)
Marriage To KNAPP Hannah (27 Sep 1737 - 10 Jul 1801)
m. 14 Jan 1761 Newbury, Essex Co., Mass.
KNAPP Nathaniel (4 May 1713 - 12 Feb 1776)
HART Sarah (31 Aug 1713 - 15 Apr 1754)
Children by KNAPP Hannah 27 Sep 1737 - 10 Jul 1801
NOYES Nathaniel (23 Aug 1763 - 15 May 1847)
NOYES Jacob (29 Apr 1765 - )
NOYES Judith (1 Nov 1766 - )
NOYES Joseph (1 Oct 1768 - 14 Jul 1854)
NOYES Ebenezer (20 Sep 1770 - )
NOYES Jane (14 Oct 1771 - 17 Mar 1808)
NOYES Hannah (29 Jul 1773 - )
NOYES Giles (1 Jan 1777 - 1847)
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